
Testo e video di The saints are coming degli U2 & Green Day

Ecco a voi The saints are coming, il nuovo video degli U2 & Green Day:

..ed il testo:

There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Superdome
It’s been the ruin
Of many a poor boy
And God I know I’m one

I cried to my daddy on the telephone, “How long now?”
“Until the clouds unroll and you come home”, the line went
But the shadows still remain since your descent, your descent
[Two times]

The saints are coming
The saints are coming
I say no matter how I try
I realize there’s no reply
[Two times]

Living like birds in magnolia trees
A child on a rooftop
A mother on her knees
Her sign reads
“Please, I am an American”

Drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief, how long now?
Until a weather change condemns belief, how long now?
When the night watchman lets in the thief, what’s wrong now?

The saints are coming
The saints are coming
I say no matter how I try
I realize there’s no reply
[Two times]

I say no matter how I try
I realize there’s no reply
[Two times]

3 commenti a “Testo e video di The saints are coming degli U2 & Green Day”

  1. 1 Jo
    29 Dicembre 2007 alle 16:00 Quota

    Hai fatto bene a mettere il video di questa canzone! Sn una fan dei Green Day da quando ero bambina! Green day the best!

  2. 2 Casich
    25 Luglio 2009 alle 22:39 Quota

    Paolo Gatti 6 1 grande!!!!!! GREEN DAY & U2 4EVER!!!!!

  3. 3 sweet children
    27 Gennaio 2010 alle 15:20 Quota

    bellissima…questo è il risultato di due mitiche band ke si mettono insieme =):) W GREEN DAY E U2

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